Thursday, January 10, 2008

Banging my head against the wall

I don't mean to sound elitist, but it makes me cry that my vote counts just as much as the vote of this man, quoted today in the Charlotte Observer:

"Smith is a fishing-boat captain and he just got back from two weeks at sea. He didn't watch the debates on TV, but he spent a lot of time on the water thinking about what he wants in a candidate. Barack Obama intrigues him, but Smith says Obama has two red flags: 'One, that name. That's going to give him trouble. And the other thing is his father leaving him when he was so young. That kind of thing has an effect on you your whole life. When you're talking about a president, all the details matter.'"
Meanwhile I'm wrestling with the question of how many/what kind of military personnel to leave in Iraq. Yet Smithy up there will be among the voters in the crucial South Carolina primary. Aaaagghhhh.


Anonymous said...

Fine, you vote for Saddam, you anti-American liberal. This country can't have a president named after our two worst enemies Osama and Hussein. What about WMDs?

Anonymous said...

I think you may have misread the guy's quote. First of all, he has just stated a fact that, in all liklihood, is true. I know many people in the Ozarks who, when they aren't admiring their broken appliances on their front porch, sat "Oh, dear me, my doilies seem to have become soiled with my afternoon tea, and did you know that Barrack Osama is a member of The Al-Aqsa Martyr's Brigade. I need about them in the New York Times. And then I read about them in the New Yorker and Harper's. Then I tuned into an indepth NPR program that gave me the salient points. Finally, I called my friend, the ambassador to Qatar, with whom I used to play polo, and he told me that Tuesday's no good, but maybe a game of squash could happen on Friday."
Second, the fisherman simply seems to have performed a very orthodox Freudian analysis of B. Hussein Obama. And he might be right on. Read Obama's health care proposal -- it's full of phallic innuendo, and it cries out on every page, "Daddy, please love me!!!!!"

And, South Carolina???!! Are you kidding? There's no way that state is going blue. Democrats shouldn't even waste their time there. I read that 90% of the SC population is illiterate, and that 45% have fewer than three teeth, and that whatever other redneck stereotype that you can think of is totally and 100% true.

--Harrison Bailey Winthorpe Kennedy IV

Anonymous said...

Obama even sounds like "bombs". At least Mitt reminds me of that great American pastime, baseball.

feminist chick said...

ha! Well played. And that is the most compelling reason I've heard yet to cast a vote for ol' Mitt. (I adore my smart-ass friends.)