Thursday, December 28, 2006

Out on my limb

I’m calling it now: John Edwards is one to watch. With Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton in the limelight so early, the press is waiting to pounce on a misstep. While I don’t think either will provide any macaca-esque moments, I fear another Dean-in-Iowa speech that destroys a great campaign because it provides DJs with a sound clip and uninformed voters with a punchline. If these two are taken down, the Dems will need another.

Enter John Edwards. I heard him speak in Charlotte last month and was trés impressed. I walked into the room as a curious spectator, but left believing he could be back on the ticket in '08, possibly in the driver's seat this time. While I prefer my politics with a little more anger (ohhh, Howie), I think Edwards will have broad appeal to moderates of both parties. His looks won’t hurt either. The man is a looker on TV, but in person, wooo-weee. I was reduced to girlish giggles while shaking his hand. I don't have enough answers to align with any candidate yet, but I've quickly progressed from dismissive to very interested in this one (za-za-zu aside).

But then again, this prediction is brought to you by the one who thought didn’t stand a chance, buying an Arlington condo in 2001 was a dumb move, and “Everyone Loves Raymond” looked idiotic and wouldn't last beyond the pilot. But I swear, these laserdiscs are gonna catch on one day…

Until then, enjoy this -- dreaminess 2:

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