Thursday, November 16, 2006

Save the world. Or at least help it a little.

Alleviate some of your driver’s guilt by getting a TerraPass – the site helps you calculate your car’s emissions and offers a pass that allows you to offset those emissions through funding clean energy projects. Sport the TerraPass on your car and show the world that green is this year’s black.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a great idea that even free-market economists can get behind since it essentially adopts a market-oriented approach. Now if only countries could get together and work out something similar, maybe the globe could get something done on a macro-scale. Come to think of it, these countries might even be able to get together in a certain Japanese city and maybe even sign an accord aimed at reducing worldwide pollution. But I'm probably dreaming....and the way it looks the Broncos won't even make the playoffs!!!!?