Zach Braff is so adorable it hurts. If you haven’t already, check out the Garden State soundtrack as well as the new The Last Kiss soundtrack. His adorable-ness is paired with a killer taste in music.
Are you watching his Last Kisspodcast? It's really funny.
Bill Lawrence has been fairly forthcoming with this being the last season of Scrubs, which is both too bad and right on target. The show has been slipping and I'd hate for more seasons to run the show into the ground. I'll miss the weekly Braffing, but the kid'll do alright in the pictures.
Have you seen The Last Kiss? You should bar Zach Braff from your living room until he does suitable penance for the misogyny and antifeminism of that flick. All the female characters were whiny, over-emotional harpies with no meaningful existences apart from the men (who they constantly tried to trap into relationships with various stereotypical devices). Although Z.B. was funny, that's no excuse for the script.
I’m torn on this one, and it very well might be because I really wanted to like this movie. (If anyone hasn’t seen the movie yet, stop reading because I’m about to blow the end for you.)
The movie is from the view of 29-year-old men who refuse to grow up, making their perspective a very limited one. For example, I found Chris’s wife a very sympathetic character – sure, Chris described her as an annoying nag, but I thought that said more about him and less about her. He had absolutely zero idea what it took to raise a child and didn’t appreciate how hard she worked, exposing him to be the selfish man-child he was. I thought Jenna was fantastic. She realized her great boyfriend would make a lousy husband, and in the end, I think she gave him the boot. My vote is that the door only opened to give him his last kiss before saying good-bye, in much the same way she ended the last meaningful relationship in her life (with her grandmother).
I can definitely see your point, and I thought about it on the drive home. My problem characters were Kim and whats-her-name (Eric’s sex buddy). Kim was annoying, but still, I knew girls like her -- that college-aged girl with annoyingly definite but simplistic views, who thrived on seducing men but ended up in too deep. The one I’ll definitely give you is Eric’s sex buddy – that subplot left me shaking my head and hating where that went.
I’m torn about Anna. Why did she go back? Did she intend to truly leave, or to give her husband a passive-aggressive lesson? (I don't think she even knew.) What if the professor wasn’t married? The treadmill incident made me wince – it almost seemed as if she couldn’t figure out things on her own, so she gave up. Her talk with Jenna on the bed was a good one (life being mostly in the grays), but I wasn’t sure that’s exactly how it went with her. (I’m not saying I adored the character – she was a basketcase – but I did enjoy watching her. Her performance in the opening scene at the dinner table was fantastic.)
I definitely see your point, though. The women had little depth (then again, neither did the men) and came off as emotional wrecks. But to banish Zach forever from my living room? The man who will one day bring us Dr. Acula? Never. :)
Are you watching his Last Kisspodcast? It's really funny.
Bill Lawrence has been fairly forthcoming with this being the last season of Scrubs, which is both too bad and right on target. The show has been slipping and I'd hate for more seasons to run the show into the ground. I'll miss the weekly Braffing, but the kid'll do alright in the pictures.
Have you seen The Last Kiss? You should bar Zach Braff from your living room until he does suitable penance for the misogyny and antifeminism of that flick. All the female characters were whiny, over-emotional harpies with no meaningful existences apart from the men (who they constantly tried to trap into relationships with various stereotypical devices). Although Z.B. was funny, that's no excuse for the script.
I’m torn on this one, and it very well might be because I really wanted to like this movie. (If anyone hasn’t seen the movie yet, stop reading because I’m about to blow the end for you.)
The movie is from the view of 29-year-old men who refuse to grow up, making their perspective a very limited one. For example, I found Chris’s wife a very sympathetic character – sure, Chris described her as an annoying nag, but I thought that said more about him and less about her. He had absolutely zero idea what it took to raise a child and didn’t appreciate how hard she worked, exposing him to be the selfish man-child he was. I thought Jenna was fantastic. She realized her great boyfriend would make a lousy husband, and in the end, I think she gave him the boot. My vote is that the door only opened to give him his last kiss before saying good-bye, in much the same way she ended the last meaningful relationship in her life (with her grandmother).
I can definitely see your point, and I thought about it on the drive home. My problem characters were Kim and whats-her-name (Eric’s sex buddy). Kim was annoying, but still, I knew girls like her -- that college-aged girl with annoyingly definite but simplistic views, who thrived on seducing men but ended up in too deep. The one I’ll definitely give you is Eric’s sex buddy – that subplot left me shaking my head and hating where that went.
I’m torn about Anna. Why did she go back? Did she intend to truly leave, or to give her husband a passive-aggressive lesson? (I don't think she even knew.) What if the professor wasn’t married? The treadmill incident made me wince – it almost seemed as if she couldn’t figure out things on her own, so she gave up. Her talk with Jenna on the bed was a good one (life being mostly in the grays), but I wasn’t sure that’s exactly how it went with her. (I’m not saying I adored the character – she was a basketcase – but I did enjoy watching her. Her performance in the opening scene at the dinner table was fantastic.)
I definitely see your point, though. The women had little depth (then again, neither did the men) and came off as emotional wrecks. But to banish Zach forever from my living room? The man who will one day bring us Dr. Acula? Never. :)
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